Debian 4.0 "etch"
Current and future issues guest talk, University of Limerick, Ireland
19 August 2006
My involvement in Debian
- Strong interest in workflow issues
- Strong interest in security issues
- PR, and proxy between industry and Debian
- Mentor
- Bug reporter #2
- General troublemaker
- A brief introduction to Debian
- Status of Debian 4.0 "etch"
- A bit on current Debian
- Relationship with Ubuntu
What is Debian?
- An open-source project
- with a unique and original philosophy
- represented and enacted by a huge community
- producing a (set of) operating system(s)
The Debian philosophy
Produce a free operating system of high quality with flexibility in mind,
using an open development model inspired by Linux.
- 100% free
- Universal and open
- High-quality integration, policy-based
- Flexibility and security
- The admin stays in control
The Debian project
- Among the largest open-source projects
- Independent, volunteer-driven
- Daily business mainly on over 500 mailing lists and IRC
- One yearly conference (Debconf) and several mini
- Booth presence on all major computer-related fairs and conferences
- SPI: US-based legal chaperone and assets management, no decision powers
The Debian operating system(s)
- Flagship: Debian GNU/Linux
- Linux kernel
- GNU userland applications
- Debian system administration, helpers, concepts, integration
- Also available, though less popular/developed
- Debian GNU/Hurd
- Debian GNU/NetBSD
- Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
Debian GNU/Linux
- Support for 12 hardware architectures:
i386, amd64, sparc, alpha, powerpc, ia64, arm,
mips/+el, m68k, s390, hppa
(more than any other operating system)
- 10'000 software packages
(source packages, 19'000 binary packages)
- More than 100 derivative distributions
(e.g. Knoppix, Ubuntu, Linspire, Kanotix, MEPIS, Libranet, …)
APT + dpkg
- The "Advanced Package Tool":
- Automatic package acquisition
- Automatic dependency handling
- Package integrity verification
- dpkg, the Debian package manager:
- Robust
- Strictly enacts the Debian policy
- Configuration files
- Dependencies and conflicts
- File ownership
Our users
Widely used, for example by
- the administration of the cities of Munich, Germany, and Vienna, Austria
- the Ministry of Public Administration, Spain
- several large universities, including the University of Zurich and the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
- HP and IBM both offer Debian support (IBM/Lenovo inofficially)
Debian powers numerous embedded devices: routers, firewalls
Debian is used on devices of the latest handheld trend:
- A brief introduction to Debian
- Status of Debian 4.0 "etch"
- A bit on current Debian
- Relationship with Ubuntu
Debian releases
- Debian "stable" is known to be rock-solid and outdated:
- Current release: Debian 3.1r2 "sarge"
released 6 June 2005, revised 19 April 2006
- Named after toy story characters
- Planned for 4 December 2006: Debian 4.0 "etch"
Debian "etch" release goals
- GCC 4.1 transition
- new Python framework
- LSB 3.1 compatibility
- Improved installer
- graphical interface
- support for encrypted partitions
- Kernel 2.6.17 or even 2.6.18
- Pet goals:
- SELinux support
- pervasive IPv6 support
- pervasive LFS (large files) support
Debian stable
"Look, this is Debian. They don't release things until you have to fire
rockets at the thing to stop it from working." (Slashdot quote)
"Debian releases are out of date the minute they are published" (common
Release process
- unstable - testing - stable
- Current stable: sarge, current testing: etch,
unstable: sid
- Next stable: etch, next testing: etch+1,
unstable: sid
- Long freeze process due to complexity
- Five categories: essential, required, standard, optional, extra
- Frozen one after the other, then stabilisation period
RC bugs
- Release-critical bugs (RC bugs) prevent a package from entering stable
- This is what makes Debian be Debian
- Packages with RC bugs are either fixed or removed
- Exceptions are possible on a case-by-case basis (etch-ignore)
Current schedule
- We are a bit behind schedule
- Base system was frozen on time
- General freeze planned for 18 October 2006
- Several bug squashing parties coming
- Always on IRC: #debian-bugs
- 8-10 September: Zurich, Vienna
- 11-13 October: Zurich, Dijon
- Target release date still unchanged: 4 December 2006
Current problems
- Python transition
- AMD64 not 100% integrated yet
- Non-free firmware
- Secure APT
What can you do to help?
Participate in bug squashing parties!
(or just squash bugs whenever you can)
- Many bugs are trivial to resolve but need time
- Live assistance available via IRC and on mailing lists:
- A brief introduction to Debian
- Status of Debian 4.0 "etch"
Debian's strategy
Disclaimer: these are not an official statements!
- Release cycle length, "etch+1"
- Architecture support, universality
- Quality assurance
Open issues
- Licencing wars: GFDL, GPLv3, CC
- Packages built on untrusted machines
- Bottlenecks in the infrastructure and delays
- Package maintenance, patch tracking, derivatives
- Size of the developer base
- A brief introduction to Debian
- Status of Debian 4.0 "etch"
- A bit on current Debian
Ubuntu releases
- Ubuntu snapshots Debian unstable
- Possible synchronisation at a later point in time
- A new release is the merge of Ubuntu's previous changes into a new snapshot
(graphic by Scott James Remnant)
Ubuntu vs. Debian on the desktop
- Ubuntu is synchronised with Gnome, cutting edge applications
- Debian unstable/testing usually a little behind, but caught up or
even overtook by the time Ubuntu is released.
- A recent study found Debian
to be more up to date (but the study is debated).
- More user-friendly configuration tools, better desktop integration
- Limited to Gnome, plus separate Kubuntu and Xubuntu efforts
- Ubuntu core is of high quality, universe varies greatly
Ubuntu vs. Debian on the server
- Ubuntu server provides "wizards" and allegedly long-time support
- New product, remains to be seen
- Debian "stable" is stable:
- functional stability: feature set of individual packages
- run-time stability: software has been well tested
- archive stability: no dependency changes
- Administrators do not want to upgrade ("never touch a running system")
- Long-time oldstable support, extendable (c.f. "potato")
Relationship with Ubuntu
- Divergance
- Gripes from the side of Debian: jealousy, visibility, giving back
- Advantages, benefits: greatly facilitated transitions, complex packages
- Effect of Ubuntu on
- core packages, transitions
- release cycle length
- user base
- developer base
- Existing integration efforts:
My Ph.D. research
Method diffusion in large open source projects
- Debian processes somewhat antiquated, compare with the agility of e.g. Plone
- Volunteers don't like to be told what to do
- Methods exist to improve asynchronous global collaboration
- How do you make sure people adopt these?
Finalement …
Thank you for your attention!